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For companies listed on (URL), Incolo was paid by Mountain BizWorks to teach Invested (a class) which HiveTracks, Blue Note Junction (BNJ), Adventure Cocoon, Wallwerx, and North Cove were part of. Incolo is paid cash + a sales commission by Kitsbow to help grow sales. Incolo is paid by Appalachian Community Capital to help Blue Note Junction build their business model as part of the Opportunity Appalachia grants. Incolo has an equity stake in North Cove, was paid as a business consultant, and is paid sales commission to help North Cove grow. Additionally Incolo’s principal, William McGuire, is Head of Partnerships for North Cove and is paid a sales commission to help grow North Cove. He also invested into their current investment round. Incolo does not endorse any investment opportunities. Incolo was paid by Mountain BizWorks to serve as a consultant to all companies on URL/presenting-companies listed except GreenLifeTech and The Black Dollar Corp. Incolo is a paid business consultant and proudly has stakes in GreenLifeTech, Kobrand Holding (SteakAger & Wild Fire 4-in-1), North Cove Holdings, Spectra3D, & The Black Dollar Corp, and serves as a business advisor to each of these companies.
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