October 16th – 18th 2022

⸻Beach Bleisure

10 Founders | 3 Days | 2 Goals

Scale business & fuel life

Connect with founders building real world solutions, and discover the tools to growth – as a team

Overview  |  How it works  |  The House  |  Team  |  FAQ  |  Apply by Sept 2

Scale your company and life alongside fellow founders

We believe being part of a community of founders is the #1 key to personal development & business growth. You’ll be surrounded by incredible people and hope you’ll meet lifelong friends

Quick Facts

Food & lodging in Wrightsville Beach for 3 days

Meet amazing people

0% equity fee

Apply by September 2nd

Who is this for?

Founders on the brink of a growth inflection point. You crave collaboration and working with fellow founders. You believe a community of founders is a key asset for growth.

Why are we doing this?

We’ve seen firsthand the rapid acceleration of growth that comes from founder community connections. However, relationships take time – something few founders have. We couldn’t find an opportunity our region that provided this type of event – so we created it.

Who is organizing this?

Founders like you. We’re a collective team of founders from various startups. We’ve raised millions of dollars, built audiences of 100k’s, personally invested in 100’s of startups, and are building startups now.

What will beach bleisurers learn?

How to raise capital – traditional, crowd, and more. Revenue Ops with ambassadors. Content creation. Partnering creators & influencers with startups. Growing your personal brand & business brand through public speaking. How to make amazing food!

How it Works

Submit your application

Not sure you’re a fit? Just apply.

We’ll interview applicants

We’ll carefully interview each founder who applies

We’ll decide on September 9th

We’ll select 10 founders who we think we can help the most

Make friends with founders in one of the coolest beaches in the Southeast

We’ll work hard, eat dinner together, and enjoy the beach together

The House

We’ll be staying in a beautiful oceanfront home on Wrightsville Beach, NC. There’s enough room to sleep 14 of us comfortably and 3 bathrooms


Our team’s vision for the event is to have one of the most badass getaways in the region for founders looking to grow personally, scale their companies, and make lifelong friends. No speakers. No panels. No pitches unless asked. Just topics, share your experience sessions, and lots of fun on the beach together.

Alexa Carlin

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Alexa is a speaker, author, and CEO of Women Empower X (WEX) which has impacted over 20,000 women entrepreneurs. Having experience as both a founder and creator with over 195k TikTok followers, she’s using her platform to elevate founders & creators everywhere.

Lauren McCullough

Build measure impact
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Lauren is a revenue junkie. If it can be grown, she’ll grow it. It shows from the work she does as a fraction CRO to launching a new spa that reimagines wellness for people of all backgrounds and walks of life.

Parker Wilson


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Shortly after its IPO, Parker created lululemon’s brand guidelines and ran training to all North American stores during one of their fastest phases of growth. She’s an investor in socially minded CPGs and serves as a product strategist for early stage tech companies with Dualboot Partners. She’s also the Chief of Clean for SQUEAK – a manufacturer of natural and organic cleaning products for families.

Will McGuire

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Will is the Founder & CEO of Incolo – a community owned accelerator – which since late 2019 has helped founders raise millions of investment capital and scale through crowds who propel their growth. Personally, he’s invested in over 90 startups from breweries to space tech. His vision for the future is a community built from the ground up via a community of individuals who invest to bring it to life. Will lives in Holly Springs with his wife and kids.


Do I qualify?
This is for founders focused on getting past the grind to the next level
What kind of businesses is this for?
This is for founders focused on getting past Any business, restaurant to space tech. grind to the next level
What does this cost?
$300 per person if you are accepted. Due to the awesome sponsorship from NC IDEA, we were able to reduce costs.
Do I have to give up a piece of my company?
No, 0% equity.
What is included in the fee?
We’ll pay for lodging, dinners, and snacks in the house.
Travel is not included
Is travel included?
No.You’ll have to figure out how to get to the house.
Will I be able to park?
We’ll have limited parking for those accepted.
What type of bed will I sleep on?
You’ll be staying in a beach house, but you aren’t guaranteed the master bedroom. You might be in a bunk bed, rollout bed, or feel free to bring your hammock. Check out those views from The House. 🙂 If you expect to be pampered, this isn’t the trip for you. 🙂
What’s the interview like?
You’ll have 15 minutes over a zoom or Google Meet.
How does mentorship work?
Mentors will lead a group session on a different topic e.g. brand, partnering with creators, revenue ops, #CapitalStacking, and more. Fellow founders are encouraged to lead a topic too during break time throughout the day.

We expect this founder to founder mentorship to be the most valuable time of the entire trip. We hope that you make friends that continue to support each other well past this trip.

What will we eat?
Food prepared by fellow founders. If you have any food allergies, please let us know.
I have questions. Are you human?

I hope so, unless we’ve been replaced by AI + robotics that some founder’s startup invented. Shoot us an email at [email protected]  and our AI …ummm… we mean humans will get back to you.

Apply Now

Application Deadline

Friday, September 2, 2022

Results Delivered By

Friday, September 9, 2022

Arrive at Wrightsville Beach

Sunday afternoon October 16

This project received support from NC IDEA.

About Incolo

We’re like an accelerator meets a venture studio and had a baby. Choosing to be community-centric vs. industry specific, startups in our community-owned accelerator are valued at over $120m and over half of the investment has come from the crowd.

We’re a Public Benefit LLC with a mission to create a level playing field. Our goal is to help 1,000 founders grow through the crowd by 2030.